Thank you for scheduling a session. Please include a phone you can be reached at for confirmation of your appointment.

If this is your first session, please go to to fill out your intake forms and either email them to me at or print them and bring them to your session. This will allow us to focus more time on your treatment.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at 813-816-2726 via text or voice.

    • SET Session In Person

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $180.00

      In-person 90 minute Structural Energetic Therapy session which will involve assessment, Cranial Structural Therapy, Myofascial Soft Tissue Bodywork, Breath Work or a combination of these techniques. This session will take place in my o ...

    • Cranial Structural Short Session In Person

      30 minutes @ $70.00

      In-Person 30 minute session which will involve assessment and a combination of Cranial Structural and Quick Release Acupressure techniques. Good for a quick structural 'tune up' as well as stress and tension relief. This session will t ...

    • Training Session: Assessment, guided myofascial release, stretching, and corrective exercise

      1 hour @ $130.00

      All sessions include a detailed pain, posture and movement assessment. Depending on individual need, your session may include directed self-myofascial release, stretching, and corrective movement exercises, guided breath work, and self- ...

    • First time SET Session in person.

      2 hours @ $210.00

      In-person 90 minute Structural Energetic Therapy session which will involve additional time for first-time intake and assessment and will include Structural Therapy, Myofascial Soft Tissue Bodywork, Breath Work or a combination of these ...

  • Products & Packages

  • Gift Certificates & Subscriptions

    • 90 minute SET Session


      In-person 90 minute Structural Energetic Therapy session which will involve assessment, Cranial Structural therapy and either Myofascial Soft Tissue Bodywork, Breath Work or a combination of both techniques.

    • Buy 5, Get 6 Sessions Package


      This package includes 6 In-person 90 minute Structural Energetic Therapy session which will involve assessment, Cranial Structural Therapy, Myofascial Soft Tissue Bodywork, Breath Work or a combination of these techniques.

    • Monthly Session

      $160.00 per month